Endprosthesis System

GMRS System

* Distal Femur Replacement

* Proximal Femur Replacement 

* Proximal Tibia Replacement

* Total Femur Replacement

Stryker Orthopaedics has a long tradition of understanding surgeons’ clinical requirements and the growing needs of their patients. 

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MRS System

* Total Hummers Replacement

* Distal Hummers Replacement

* Proximal Hummers Replacement

The Modular Replacement System, also known as the MRS was introduced in 1988. 

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Custom Made Prosthesis


We FOCUS on one customer category – surgeons performing limb preservation implant procedures arising from complex revision arthroplasty, oncology, and trauma. Our specialized FOCUS allows us to gain a deep understanding of how best to serve our surgeon customers. As a result, we offer a full-line of implant systems to treat Juvenile and Adult patients.

Limb length discrepancy (LLD)

Limb length discrepancy (LLD) is a condition of unequal lengths of the femur, or tibia, or both.

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Evolve Proline

Radial head replacement intended for primary fractures and revisions.

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Finger Joint Implants

Flexible intramedullary-stemmed, one-piece implant developed to help restore function to hands disabled by rheumatoid, degenerative or traumatic arthritis.

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